Got a text from a dear friend on Tuesday. A picture of her husband.

She had been out shopping with her sister and returned home to find him sitting by the driveway, fish net and rod in each hand, a cold beer at his feet.

Further inspection of the picture showed a bobber sitting in his pristine lawn.

Through his shades you could tell he was watching the bobber intensely, as if waiting for it to actually go down after a bite.

I’ve known this man a long long time and have known him to have a love for a good laugh.

So I had to call.

“Jay, what the hell are you doing?” I asked as he started to laugh.

“Bored, just trying to have a little fun,” said Jay Smith, whose wife Cheryl had sent me the picture.

“OK, so how’s that working out? Catchin’ anything?”

His réponse had us both belly laughing over the phone.

“Had a neighbor walk by and ask what I was doing,” he said. “Told him I was fishing for grass carp.”

Now that’s funny right there … I don’t care who you are.

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